Sunday, July 4, 2010

Camel Facts You'll Find Interesting

Interesting Animal Facts
We tend to get our camel facts in bits and pieces. We know that some camels have one hump, others have two, and they are famous for being able to go long distances or periods with out water. We've heard that they can be easy to ride, or uncomfortable to ride, depending on who you talk to. We tend to associate them with desert areas, and may have even heard that they once roamed free in the state of Nevada.

While any list of camel facts can be lengthy, let's try to put together some information that gives a good picture as to where this animal comes from, what it is like, and how it is used. First of all, the camel is an ungulate, an animal that has hoofs. There are two true camels, the dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) which has single hump, and the Bactrian camel (Cameulus bactrianus) which has two humps. The dromedaries are mostly found where we tend to expect them, in the arid regions of northern Africa. Nearly half of the dromedaries living today will be found in Somalia and Ethiopia, the remainder are spread across North Africa from Sudan to Morocco. The bactrain camel exists in much smaller numbers, and live mostly in northern Asia.

Both species were introduced into the United States in the 1800's, with the United States Army using them as draft animals for a short time. This experiment did not prove to be successful, as horses could not easily be used alongside the camels (horses do not like the small of the camel), and the troops never became accustomed to them. Many of the animals were simply allowed to run free and were spotted roaming free in the southwest, especially in Nevada, from time to time for a number of years. There is a feral population if the Australian Outback, thought to be several hundred thousand in number. While native to Africa and Asia, the true camels have cousins in South America, those being the vicuña, alpaca, and the llama.

Among the camel facts you may come across which are not true, are those which suggest that the camel is able to store huge quantities of water, and that is the reason for the hump(s). While the camel will drink a large amount of water when it is able to, its secret is not so much in being able to store water, but in being able to use water very efficiently. The camel can withstand very hot temperatures, and looses much less water through sweating and respiration than is the case with most other animals. Its coat tends to insulate the body against the heat of the sun, minimizing perspiration. Also, a camel can lose over 20% of its weight through dehydration before being in danger of dying. 3% is the limit for most animals. A camel can often go a week without a supply of water, and when grazing, efficiently extracts water contained in leaves and plants. The hump by the way, does have a purpose. It consists primarily of fatty tissue which serves as an energy reservoir. A camel can cover 20 mile a day in hot weather conditions, while carrying a 200 pound load.

Although used primarily for transportation, there are a few camel facts of interest regarding their use as a food source. Bedouin tribes use the camels as a source for both milk and meat. Camel milk is very rich; more so than cows milk, and the meat, which is said to taste like beef, has been served for years from Persia (Iran) to Egypt, and points in between. In some regions, camel blood is consumed, being a source of salt, iron and vitamins not always available in the usual diet. Though not food items, camel hair and hides are also valuable commodities, and are often used in fine articles of clothing and leather products. Camel poop (dung if you prefer) is often used as a fuel for heat and cooking.

Camels can move fairly quickly, and as they can maintain a speed of about 25 mph for over an hour, can cover ground fairly quickly. For short distances they can run at speeds of 40 mph, and camel racing is a very popular sport in the Middle East, as popular as horse racing. Camel races are not strictly limited to the Middle East, there is a prestigious camel race held annually at Alice Springs, in the interior of Australia. These are truly remarkable animals, well suited to a wide variety of climatic conditions, able to cover long distances, and, with their broad hooves, able to navigate fairly easily in loose sand. They truly are "ships of the desert".

Information on cockatiel training can be found at the Knowledge Bin site.
Camel FactsCamel Facts
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Interesting Animal Facts

Monday, June 14, 2010

Animal Facts For Kids

Animal Facts For KidsAnimal Facts For Kids

Interesting Animal Facts

Educating our children is one of the most important aspects of parenting. This article on animal facts for kids makes for interesting reading about little known facts about the animals that inhabit planet earth. Encourage your child to read and learn in a fun way, and share knowledge with friends and have great fun doing it. You can arrange family fun quizzes and make the learning fun!

In biology the word "Animal" comprises all species belonging to the animal kingdom; it is very interesting to read about the little known facts about these animals found in our world today.

Some of the more interesting animal facts for kids:

o A cow can produce more milk than a single human being can consume in one lifetime - approximately 200,000 glasses of milk! Apart from this staggering figure, you will never find two cows with the exact same pattern of spots!

o Horses weighing approximately 1,200 pounds eat roughly seven times their own weight each year!

o When a lion roars you can hear the sound from a distance of about 5 miles away.

o Cheetahs are swift and merciless toward their prey. Scaring the living daylights out of man and beast but the sound they emit is anything but scary - more like a dog yelping. However you can hear them a mile away!

o Elephants are the largest land animals alive in the present age. An elephant's tusks grow all through its lifetime and can weigh as much as 200 pounds; usually tusks grow for the male species. The females are seldom found with very small tusks or no tusks at all.

o The Chimpanzee is often considered the closest of all animal species to man, with an intelligence that supersedes all other animals. Chimps as they are commonly referred to actually make tools and use them to get their food. They adopt highly refined hunting strategies to get their food. To Chimps status is important; they are also very manipulative and deceptive in their behavior patterns. They can be taught to use symbols, numbers and some aspects of the human language.

o The Giraffe is the tallest living mammal in the animal kingdom and has approximately double the blood pressure of any other animal to enable blood circulation, especially to the brain.

o Some interesting animal facts include: rats live longer without water than even the Camel does; squirrels bury their nuts and often forget where they have hidden them, inadvertently helping to plant millions of trees.

The animal facts for kids detailed above are only a tip of the iceberg; it is hoped that once a child's interest is awakened, he or she will continue to read more.

Galen spends 48 hours on the Internet every day as the Online Marketing Manager of Mediafreaks. He is currently driving the online marketing efforts of various free online adventure games and commercial projects produced by the award-winning 3d animation studio based in Singapore and China. Galen is also known fondly as 'The China Man' by his colleagues as he spent years in China running the Mediafreaks China office.

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Interesting Animal Facts